Issue 2, October 2009
David Lines, Assistant Editor | Exploring the Contexts of Informal Learning | 1 |
Lauri Vakeva | The World Well Lost,Found: Reality and Authenticity in Green's 'New Classroom Pedagogy' | 8 |
Carlos Rodriguez | Informal Learning in Music: Emerging Roles of Teachers and Students | 36 |
Jean Downey | Informal Learning in Music in the Irish Secondary School Context | 47 |
Peter Dunbar-Hall | Ethnopedagogy: Culturally Contextualised Learning and Teaching as an Agent of Change | 61 |
Minette Mans | Informal Learning and Values | 80 |
Greg Gatien | Categories and Music Transmission | 95 |
Lucy Green | Response | 121 |
Issue 1, April 2009
Wayne D Bowman, Editor | Professional Knowledge: Imagining the Obvious as if it Weren't | 1 |
Vincent C Bates | Human Needs Theory: Applications for Music Education | 12 |
Randall Everett Allsup | Rough Play: Music and Symbolic Violence in an Age of Perpetual War | 35 |
Arnold Berleant | What Music Isn't and How to Teach It | 54 |
Thomas A Regelski | Curriculum Reform: Reclaiming "Music" As Social Praxis | 66 |
Hildegard Froehlich | Music Education and Community: Reflections on "Webs of Interaction" in School Music | 85 |