Action, Criticism & Theory for Music Education
July 2018
Vincent C. Bates, Editor
Brent C. Talbot, Associate Editor
Vincent C. Bates, Editor | Faith, Hope, and Music Education: An Editorial Introduction to ACT 17(2) | pdf | 1 |
Juliet Hess | Revolutionary Activism in Striated Spaces? Considering an Activist Music Education in K-12 Schooling | 22 | |
Danielle Sirek & Terry Sefton | Control, Constraint, Convergence: Examining Our Roles as Generalist Teacher Music Educators | 50 | |
Deborah Bradley | Artistic Citizenship: Escaping the Violence of the Normative(?) | 71 | |
Kim Boeskov | Moving Beyond Orthodoxy: Reconsidering Notions of Music and Social Transformation | 92 |