Action, Criticism & Theory for Music Education
April 2002
Thomas A. Regelski, Editor
Wayne Bowman, Associate Editor
Darryl A. Coan, Publishing Editor
Thomas Regelski, Editor | About This Issue |
Claire Detels | Softening the boundaries of music in general education |
Wayne Bowman | 'Deja vu all over again'? A critical response to Claire Detels' Helsinki discussion paper |
Darryl Coan | Charity begins at home: Discourse among teachers of music |
Lauri Väkevä | Naturalizing philosophy of music education |
Juha Ojala | Theory reduction considered harmful? |
Wayne Bowman | Discernment,Respons/ability, and the goods of philosophical praxis |
Thomas A Regelski | "Critical Education", culturalism and multiculturalism |
Pentti Määttänen | Aesthetic experience: A problem in praxialism |
Sami Pihlström | Pragmatism, art, and the real world |
Marjut Haussila | Of knowing what what we do does |
Lauri Väkevä | Interviewing Richard Shusterman, pt I |
Lauri Väkevä | Interviewing Richard Shusterman, pt II |